Morning Petition

Let me always...walk barefoot in the garden, on a sandy beach, or a cool shell rock road
Let me hear the wind, as it whispers to me filtered through the pines
Recall the sweet fragrance of my babies, feel the down of their soft hair against my cheek


Never let me forget the blinding reflection of the sun on a summer lake, the miracle of fireflies at dusk, or how the gentle roar of my children's laughter sounded in those magical moments.
Let me always know the sweet pleasure of give and take with a dear and trusted friend
Let me always dance with the innocence of my childhood, floating in garments of beauty
Worship with my whole being and sing with my soul fully exposed
As I dance barefoot, holding my babes close in my arms, singing in my truest voice, may my countenance reflect your glory and my gratitude for this miracle of life.

*words and photos K.Pender 2015